Let's talk about my workout & nutrition guide.

Let's talk about my workout & nutrition guide.


If you follow me on social media, then you already know that I launched my own workout and nutrition guides for you guys! I am excited to announce this simply because it has been a long time coming. I wanted to spend today talking about what exactly you are getting with my guides and why I did it. If you would like to purchase a guide you can check them out under the shop tab or just click here.

Instagram is obviously flooded with fitspo people trying to steal your coin and market their thrown together guides. You may be wondering, “Kmac, what makes yours so different and why would I want to buy yours?”  To be quite honest those questions have been repeating in the back of my head for months now and is honestly why I just now dropped them. However, I talk often about getting over your own fears and with a little motivation from my little sister, I finally completed them.

What makes my guides different is that I actually put a lot of time, work, and thought to them. I genuinely want to help you guys achieve your best body yet. I have seen quite a few workout guides from other insta-celebrities and I personally just feel like there’s no passion. It seems like they just threw something together, put a price tag on it and called it a day. In my guides, I really thought about all the little things. I rewrote and reorganized them about 100x. Ultimately, I wanted them to be very personable,easy to use, and obviously work lol. My intention is to let you guys know that I am here to support you and that I want to see you make positive lifestyle changes while guiding you through the process. Fitness/health is only one aspect of positive lifestyle alterations I want to assist you guys in.

Why am I doing this?

As I have stated, I really want to see you all win. It’s obvious that you all desire my guidance as I receive an abundance of messages daily asking for assistance in the fitness area. I am bombarded with questions on how I stay fit, what I eat and what exactly I do in the gym. Being that I am typically on a time crunch, I don't have much time to film my workouts and plus I don't think those really help, unless you're familiar with the gym and just need to spice up your workouts. My goal is to make you all feel empowered and confident so that you can achieve all of your goals. I know a lot of people are intimidated by the arena of weights simply because they don't know what to do. Following my guide will provide you with your workouts so all you really have to do is show up. This is only the beginning of what I have in store for you guys, we are about to change your life. In order for you guys to be your best self and follow my upcoming guides, physical health is a big aspect.

Okay, okay, okay….I know you are seriously wondering what exactly is in my guides. The workout guide is made based off of working out 5 days a week but the biggest difference is that I allowed you the flexibility to make it work on your time and fit it in your schedule. Some days you can squish the workouts  into one but it just depends on how much time you have at the gym. I mirrored the schedule directly off of my own workout schedule. It is filled with tips, motivation, a workout schedule, and a plethora of workouts to choose from. My nutrition guide is rather similar. I provide you a run down of my typical meals in a day, list of good food to indulge in, things to avoid, and tons of tips and tricks to keep in mind.

The best part about my workout guide is that they are meant for everyone. Whether you are new to the gym, just need some motivation, men, women, young, old…..literally anyone can purchase my guide and benefit from it. That is what makes me the most excited. I have another lifestyle guide in the works and I am so excited to be on this journey and have the support that I do. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask!

Today is a great day to have a great day, so have a great day (:

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