10 Things I Can't Live Without

10 Things I Can't Live Without

In this world, we like things. So many things that it’s become odd to not have things (minimalism). I thought that it would be interesting to personally go through my things and think about the top 10 things that I personally cannot live without


1 . My journal

My journal is basically my life. It has some of my most random thoughts and deepest secrets written in there. It's a place of safety for me to write out my thoughts that are clogging my head space. I usually write in my journal daily and when I don't, I feel foggy and like I can't think straight.

2. Fuzzy blanket

I cannot sleep without a fleece blanket. I honestly sleep with two of them every night, no matter how hot it is. This hasn't always been a thing for me until the last few years. Now, if I don't have a soft blanket I cannot sleep.


3. Traveling

The thought of just jumping on a plane and visiting a beautiful island is currently bringing me immense joy just thinking about it. I love a good trip, with good vibes, and good people. I have a strong desire to travel the world.

4. Cell Phone

It’s the modern day thing to say. It keeps me connected to people and allows me to stay in the know. My handy iPhone also is a good source of entertainment for Youtube videos, music or honestly anything else. The Maps app is my best friend as you can see on my instagram story, I am always going somewhere so it gives me the directions that I need.

5. Spinach artichoke dip

Who doesn't love this dip? I could probably live off of this if I had too. I could  easily say it’s my favorite food.


6. Robe and slippers

I wish clothes weren't a thing and we could just wear robes everyday, all day. I also need slippers in my life because I hate walking around without them on my feet. *cringe*

7. Camera

Well as a creative junky, one of my favorite past times is taking photos or making random dance videos. My cameras are some of my most prized possessions as they allow me to show you guys my perspective of the world.


8. My daughter

She brings me so much joy. The older she gets the funnier she becomes. I love her to the moon and back and every moment, cuddle, or smile that I share with her I cherish.

9. The gym

The gym is a sanctuary. When I don't work out my head space feels crowded and my body feels heavy. It brings me peace and satisfaction to see how hard I can push myself everyday. I am always amazed at how strong not only my body is but my mind.


10.  Extra Gum

I have an insane addiction to the light blue extra gum. Once I start chewing it I cannot stop. When I am working on something that needs intense focus, I have to chew this gum. Any other kind of gum either gives me a headache or just doesn't do it for me.

What are ten things that you cannot live without?

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